A model of a four-stroke combustion engine. The driving force is obtained by constructing a looping audio sample, divided into four regions which represent the 4 stages of the engine: An intake stroke, a compression stroke (silence), a combustion stroke, and an exhaust stroke. The intake stroke was modeled as white noise enveloped with a bell curve. The exhaust stroke is modeled as white noise, rapidly decaying in time, inspired by a high pressure gas mixture being released when the valve opens. The combustion stroke consists of an enveloped burst of 1/f noise.
The sample is looped at adjustable rate, corresponding to the running speed of the engine. For added realism the engine is allowed to "misfire" once in a while, which is implemented by skipping a section in the looped sample.
The engine resonance frequencies and dampings can be scaled with the bottom two sliders. When the sound gets too soft press Stop/Start to reset AGC.
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Source code:
import jass.render.*; import jass.engine.*; import jass.generators.*; import java.net.*; /** Combusion engine model @author Kees van den Doel (kvdoel@cs.ubc.ca) */ public class EngineApplet extends AppletController { ErraticLoopBuffer cylinders; SourcePlayer player; ModalObjectWithOneContact engineResonances; boolean isOn = true; float factor=1; String syfile = "../data/stick.sy"; String wavfile = "../data/car2.wav"; public void setNSliders() { nsliders = 4; } public void setNButtons() { nbuttons = 1; } public void init() { super.init(); syfile = getParameter("syfile"); wavfile = getParameter("wavfile"); } public void start() { float srate = 44100.f; int bufferSize = 128*4; int bufferSizeJavaSound = 8*1024; URL codebase = getCodeBase(); URL syurl = null; URL wavurl = null; try { syurl = new URL(codebase,syfile); wavurl = new URL(codebase,wavfile); } catch(MalformedURLException e) { System.out.println(e+" Malformed URL: " +codebase+" "+ syfile); } cylinders = new ErraticLoopBuffer(srate,bufferSize,wavurl); player = new SourcePlayer(bufferSize,bufferSizeJavaSound,srate); ModalModel mm = null; try { mm = new ModalModel(syurl); } catch(java.io.IOException e) { System.out.println(this+" "+e); } engineResonances = new ModalObjectWithOneContact(mm,srate,bufferSize); try { player.addSource(engineResonances); engineResonances.addSource(cylinders); } catch(SinkIsFullException e) { } float speed0 = 3; cylinders.setSpeed(speed0); float beatupness0 = 0.04f; String[] names = {"Speed ", "Beatupness ", "Damping ", "Size "}; double[] val = {speed0, beatupness0, 1, 1 }; double[] min = {speed0, 0, .5, .4 }; double[] max = {15, .1, 1, 2 }; cylinders.setMisfireProb(beatupness0); setValues(val,min,max,names); jButton[0].setText ("Stop"); player.start(); isOn = true; } protected void jButtonMousePressed (int k,java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) { switch(k) { case 0: if(isOn) { jButton[0].setText ("Start"); isOn = false; cylinders.setVolume(0); } else { jButton[0].setText ("Stop"); isOn = true; player.resetAGC(); cylinders.setVolume(1); } break; } } protected void onSlider(int k) { switch(k) { case 0: cylinders.setSpeed((float)(super.val[0])); break; case 1: cylinders.setMisfireProb((float)super.val[1]); break; case 2: engineResonances.setDamping((float)super.val[2]); break; case 3: engineResonances.setFrequencyScale((float)super.val[3]); break; } } }